Hello There, I am

Soham shah

Currently pursuing masters in COMPUTER SCIENCE at University of Windsor, CANADA.

INTRESTS   πŸ’‚   Python Web-Development | Machine-Learning | Data Analysis | ReactJS .

EXPERTISE   πŸ’‚   A Professional Web-Development & Data Analyst Researcher Freelancer.

More About Me


My name is Soham Shah.
I am Data Science and Machine Learning Enthusiast. I have a good grip on Python Programming and also have developed various projects with python as a programming language and Flask, Django, and Streamlit as its Frameworks in the various domains of Machine-Learning, Data Analysis & Deep-Learning.
I also have developed several projects based on Javascript and its Framework ReactJS.
Moreover, I also have good knowledge in C, C++, HTML, CSS & JS Programming languages and theirs Frameworks like Bootstrap. Along with this, I have intermediate experience in database technologies like MySQL and MS-SQL Server.

I have also worked on many FREELANCE PROJECTS professionaly in last 1 year.
    My Deatails :
  • Age 23 Years
  • Experience 3 Years ( Internship + Full-time + Co-op )
  • Country CANADA
  • Location WINDSOR, ONTARIO (Willing to relocate)
  • E-mail ID shahsoham2512@gmail.com
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  • Education

  • Bachelor Of Engineering :
    Computer Engineering

    University - Gujarat Technological University (GTU)
    College - Gandhinagar Institute Of Technology (GIT)

    Gandhinagar , GJ , India
    2016 - 2020

    βž› During my Bachelor Of Computer Engineeirng I studied various Computer Software and Hardware related subjects.

    βž› The major subjects Taught were :
    β†ͺ Data Structures(DS)
    β†ͺ Analysis and Design of Algorithms
    β†ͺ Big Data Analytics
    β†ͺ Artificial Intelligence
    β†ͺ Database Management Systems
    β†ͺ programming languages ( C , C++ , Java , .NET )
    β†ͺ Information and Network Security
    β†ͺ Numerical and Statistical Methods for CE
    β†ͺ Advanced Engineering Mathematics.
    β†ͺ and many more ....

    βž› Activites I Participated in :
    β†ͺ Cordinator of Event called Opiniators.
    β†ͺ Volunteer of Technical Events.
  • Secondary & Higher Secondary Shcool
    A.G High School

    Ahmedabad , GJ , India
    2010 - 2016

  • Experience

  • SoftVan Technologies
    Position - Python & Machine Learning Intern

    Ahmedabad , GJ , India
    June 2019 - July 2020

    βž› This internship was project based internship.

    I worked on following :
    β†ͺ Python
    β†ͺ Project Development Framework - Flask
    β†ͺ HTML, CSS, JS (Web-Develoment)
    β†ͺ My-SQL

    I used following Data-science / ML Libraries :
    β†ͺ Numpy & Pandas
    β†ͺ Matplotlib & Seaborn.
    β†ͺ Open-CV & PILLOW
    β†ͺ PYTTS (Text to speech)
    β†ͺ Scikit-Learn
    β†ͺ Tensorflow (For developing CNN and ANN models)
  • MagnusMinds IT Solutions
    Position - Trainee

    Ahmedabad , GJ , India
    Feb 2020 - July 2020

    βž› This was a part time internship as a trainee. During this internship I had Major Exprience on Database Technologies like MS-SQL Server and MY-SQL.

    βž›Along with that I also worked on Asp.net and its MVC framework. As well as I worked on Web-development.



COVIDASH is a live coronavirus dashboard. This dasboard is developed in PYTHON with the help of Flask Web Framework. COVIDASH has a super interactive UI with RealTime update of Covid-19 Cases of all Over the world. Morevoer It has other features like : CORONAVIRUS GUIDE , COVID-19 SELF ASSESMENT TOOL and NEWS about COVID-19 From all around the world as well as India.
Published - Jul 26th, 2020


AGRI-PEDIA is the online farmer web portal made solely for the farmers. This web-portal contains almost all the Solutions for the farmers strating from which crop to select till harvesting that crop. This portal has inbuilt Plant Disease Monitoring System (PDMS) Which helps farmers to detect the disease just by uploading the image of that conatminated crop. This Project is developed in Python and Flask as framework. The whole portal has been developed as a admin / portal. For detecting the Disease a pre-trained deep learning (CNN) model is used and after the detection of disease the Pesticide / Fungicide used to overcome crop disease is also suggested.
Published - MAY 15TH, 2020


An data exploration web app made with python and streamlit. DATA-Explorer is a webapp which allows you to explore through the data of your CSV Files and gain valuable insights through it through Data-Exploration and Plotting and Graphing (Analytics).
Visit The DataExplorer
Published - JUNE 1ST, 2020

The Binary-Classifier

The Binary-Classifier is an AutoML Web Application Made with the help of Python and Streamlit. The Binary Classifier ML app allows you to Train and Test classification machine learning models through your own dataset. This Web-app also includes tutorials for the ML Classifier models used by you, so it becomes easy for an learning developer to get the knowledge of BINARY CLASSIFICATION through ML.
Visit The Binary Classifier
Published - JUNE 22ND, 2020

Holiday Viewer

Holiday Viewer is small Web-app made in Python and Flask which shows the general and majorly followed public holidays in each country. This WEB-APP uses the Python-Holidays library in general. Moreover it also has many options to see the holidays that have occured in past and also that will occur in future.
Visit The Holiday Viewer
Published - Jan 31ST, 2021


Programming Languages | Database:

Web-Development Frameworks (Front-end & Back-end):

Some Libraries (Data-Science) in Python :


  • Py-Charm
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Jupyter Lab
  • Sublime Text
  • My-Sql
  • Ms-Sql Server
  • Visual-Studio Code
  • Atom
  • Eclipse
  • Anaconda Navigator


Python for Data Science and AI
BY - Coursera , IBM

This Course was offered on Coursera Platform by IBM.

This course Highlights :
β†ͺ Python Basics.
β†ͺ Python Data Structures.
β†ͺ Python Programming Fundamentals.
β†ͺ Working with Data in Python.
β†ͺ Analyzing US Economic Data and Building a Dashboard. (IBM WATSON STUDIO).

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Certificate Course
Data Science
BY - Amity Future Academy

This Course was offered by Amity University's Online Platform. (Amity Future Academy)

This course Highlights :
β†ͺ Data Science & Overview.
β†ͺ Data & its classification.
β†ͺ Statistical Learning.
β†ͺ Probablity & Statistics
β†ͺ Python and OOPS
β†ͺ Numpy & Pandas
β†ͺ Data Manipulation
β†ͺ Matplotlib

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Intro to Data Science (Python)

BY - Coursera , University Of Michigan

This Course was offered on Coursera Platform by University Of Michigan.

This course Highlights :
β†ͺ Data-Science Overview
β†ͺ Python Basics
β†ͺ Advance Python
β†ͺ Numpy
β†ͺ Pandas
β†ͺ dataFrames & Pandas
β†ͺ cleaning, merging, manipulating, and test for significance in data through project.

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Project Course: Binary Classification

BY - Coursera Project Network

This project based course was offered on coursera by Snehan Kekre. (Coursera Project Network Guide )

This course Highlights :
β†ͺ Streamlit
β†ͺ Python
β†ͺ Loading and Analysis of Dataset
β†ͺ Training BINARY Classification Models.
β†ͺ Support Vector Machines.
β†ͺ Logistic Regression.
β†ͺ Random Forest Classifier.

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